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Chocianów świętował XII Dzień Jagody

For the twelfth time Chocianów Day celebrated berries, which this year took place on 4 July. As you might guess – the theme of the celebration were the berries, but there were also other attractions, which took care of Chocianowska Cultural Centre. It was tasty, colorful and … exotic!

Celebrations began early in the morning, when it to compete in the competition stood anglers. Then the residents moved into the forest to the traditional fight for the title in collecting berries, which fell Marlene Gapski. Champion has brought almost 2 kg of forest fruit.

Power exotic attractions assured the participants of the International Festival “The World of the Kyczerą,” which debuted on Saturday in Chocianów. The teams among others from Brazil, Puerto Rico and Taiwan marched in a colorful procession and presented traditional songs and dances from their countries.

What would be the feast of berries without tasting dishes with this fruit? You could try the cakes, drinks milk, dumplings and many other culinary delights. The taste buds took care of the village in the commune of Chocianów: a total of twelve presented their stands with twelve villages. They took part in the contest for the best stand, which was assessed not only in terms of taste foods that have prepared, but also in terms of appearance and maintain the tradition of referring to the local cultural heritage. This year the prize received Trzmielów parish. He was a non-cash a check for 1500zł for projects aimed at improving the functioning of a group of rural renewal, stimulate the residents to work together for the benefit of their town and the development of identity preservation of cultural heritage. Received the audience award stand Chocianow.

After berry competitions held artistic part, and the star of the evening was KASA event from year to year is becoming more popular not only among the inhabitants of the commune, but also and visitors. Chocianow mayor Francis Skibicki no secret that he plans to next year’s festival lasted two days. So there are chances that the next edition will be even more interesting and rich in new attractions.